
See for Yourself!!!

...these are just a handful of the many, many albums available for illegal download on the internet today.

one can only imagine the lost revenues for The Industry! 

Oh, the humanity...




A Very Deep Groove

...no, really...
this is a very deep groove.

the groove in a vinyl record,
magnified 100 times.




Six Songs Used to Torture and Intimidate - WSJ.com

Six Songs Used to Torture and Intimidate - WSJ.com

An article by an NYU musicologist in the Journal of the Society for American Music details how music was regularly used in interrogations on bases in Iraq and Afghanistan as a method of inducing disorientation to get suspects to talk without inflicting physical force. Here are some of the songs used by military and law enforcement entities to get their suspects to sing.

1. Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA"

2. Christina Aguilera's "Dirrty"

6. Barney the Dinosaur's "I Love You"

the power of music, eh?
how many times could hear the Barney song
before you started babbling?

... if you want to know the others tortuous titles,
click on the title of this post
and be amazed!



Meanwhile, Back in the USA

speaking of 'trending',
here's an interesting picture of what's up in America...

...so in 20 years of deregulated, free market living,
we've gone from 50 corporations to 5 controlling
what people will most often see, hear and/or read.

is this a healthy ecosystem?



Music, Money and Math

well, here's an interesting look
at the 'trending' in music & money in the UK...
according to The Industry's own figures:

... three of the five indicators here are trending up!

- live revenues to artists.
- live revenues to promoters.
- revenues to performing rights organizations.

two of the five are trending down:
- recorded revenues to labels
- recorded revenue to artists




Home Taping Is Killing What?

who is killing what? check out this AMAZING video....brought to you by LINK




Music Pirates... in their own words

here's a short, sharp manifesto
on the subject of music and money
for your consideration...




Speaking of Originality...

the next time i hear that word, 
i'm going to remember this video...

so who's intellectual property is it really?
or, finally?

